Saturday 9 October 2010

bridesmaid dresses

So... does anyone know if it's bad luck/bad etiquette to reveal the bridesmaid dresses before the wedding? I want to show you all but not sure if I should! Enlighten me....

Friday 8 October 2010

fall lasagna

Love this idea! Make the lasagna components, make coloured and shaped pasta using a cookie cutter and layer up! Genius. Wonder I can make a spring version? Hmmmmm!

I love you Martha Stewart!

Sunday 3 October 2010

winner of the ugliest wedding dress competition?

Just been looking at wedding dresses online and stumbled across this beauty - what were they thinking? Oh dear!

You can actually see her belly button!

Friday 1 October 2010


Hello there, been a while... got a bit overwhelmed with the thinking and planning so decided to take a break for a bit - my obsessive personality was taking over a bit! But I'm back and with the hopeful and pleasant thoughts that my two diametrical bridesmaids have actually settled on a dress.

I've been thinking about music this week. I keep hearing songs on the radio that we should have at the wedding, including a new favourite - Bruno Mars' Just the Way You Are. We're going to do the classic and growingly popular iPod disco - basically, make a big play list on your MP3 and hook it up to some speakers and press play. It's cheap and cheerful and avoids the horrifyingly cheesy remarks from a DJ, oh and totally customisable (wish spell-checker would stop trying to get me to put Zs in everything!)!

Anyway, we've been keeping a list of songs that we want to include (well, I have) so that I don't forget the ones I hear! I'm thinking having one mix of nice romantic relaxing songs for pre and post ceremony, then a more funked up mix to get people dancing and having a great time when the drinks are a-flowing.

It's going to take a good amount of songs and I would really appreciate your help! Please add your suggestions in a comment below and if you have the song, feel free to email it to me! Lets make a great eclectic mix with all my lovely friends' input x